
infinite stillness in illuminated emptiness

There is a certain way that things are
		when you step back far enough 
			when you go deep enough
		you get a feel for it
	a certain form 
a derivative 
of its function
a vanishing equation
growing into absolute consciousness
	the will of the natural perceptions of the one I am
		as awareness broadens and strengthens
			one embodies deep gnosis 
		of the feeling of the flow 
	of the energy of consciousness
fluttering across the illusion of time 
	the felt measure of spent energy 
		in the alchemical furnace 
	as all the little fragments
regather in light and love
	and remember once again 
wholeness and completeness 
	infinite stillness in illuminated emptiness 
		in the remembering and reunion of the light of the one 
	only to one day explode into curious fragmented perspectives
only to one brilliant, incredible, beautiful day remember, that I am 
															thought of you.