'Neath the Healing Tree

the morrow's fears turned treasure in the perfection of the here and now

'Neath the Healing Tree
poem text on top of the scene described by the poem
When the fireflies returned to me
	under the first bright star
		where the thirsty frog
			saw the silver lining
				and the river flowed wide open
Nature breathes through me
	back to bark
		rested head
			closed eyes
				an Eden unto myself
Beheld within this thicket
with the creaking of the bough
and the fluttering of the florets
and the greeting of the vine
and soft sweet smell of lushness
Permeate my predilections!
	sink me deep in my roots
		beautifully lost and found
			the morrow's fears turned treasure
				in the perfection
					of the here and now
To the healing tree -
	calmly holding space
		in the paintbrush meadow
			where the thunderheads reign
				and the pilgrims come to pray
From the bottom of my broken heart
	for one soul's penance
		on behalf those made whole -
And lots
and lots
of love.